Early bird tickets now on sale for the BATWA BASH!
Carpenters were making doors and windows, the brick makers were thigh high in mud as they made bricks during my last trip to Uganda. Now their skills will be put to use as we fund their efforts to make permanent, water proof houses. The land, purchased by PLANT FRUIT, is being cleared. I am told the top terrace is ready for housing. The hydro survey has been ordered to determine where a water well can be situated. The community plan has been drawn. It will include enough housing for all, along with essential toilets and washing stations. So much is being accomplished in Uganda. Let's RAISE THE ROOF for the Batwa on May 18th.
I look forward to seeing you at THE BASH!

Let's eliminate these trash huts and provide sustainable housing with waterproof roofs and a place to cook.
Let's help the Batwa build a real community with composting toilets, showers, and gardens.
